Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Week 0: Introduction and context - PLEASE READ

Getting perspective... the random musings of a bolshy cancer fighter 😀

These are my own personal experiences, opinions and thoughts as I go through this journey.

Although I am a positive person, I also have my own dark sense of humour and I am aware that not everybody will either understand or appreciate that.  That's ok.  I write this diary for me, and me alone.  If it helps others along the way on their journey, or indeed to understand me and what I am going through... all good.  If it offends people, then I apologise but all I can suggest is that you switch off and don't read any further.

I am not naive to think that this what I am about to go through is going to be a walk in the park - to be frank, some of it going to be absolutely terrible to live through, write about and also to read about.  But I promise to be truthful to myself and cover the whole warts and all experience... (all puns intended lol).

This may take 6 months of my life, or it may take years... but I am seeing the whole thing as a new adventure to experience, and along the way, maybe take stock and reassess my priorities in life.

I may end up talking absolute random crap in the diary - but then I don't claim to be an acclaimed novelist with great editing skills.  Part of the rationale of writing this is to allow random thoughts an escape route from my insomniac brain, and also to give me an activity to focus on when I may otherwise may be a bit stressed.

So if you are still reading this... happy reading.  It's going to be a rollercoaster 😀.

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