Thursday, 29 June 2017

Week 31: Surgery countdown...

Week 31: Thursday 22 - Wednesday 28 June 2017

This has been quite a big week, with one thing and another...😄

Thursday / Friday I managed to catch up with various friends... Aside from being lovely to see everyone, I am kind of in that frame of mind that I want to catch up with as many people as possible to keep myself busy and not think of the impending operation... 

Saturday I just slept most of day... still having issues with fatigue, although does give me time to catch up on listening to Audible books. 😄. Currently listening to Eddie Izzard's memoirs... think I am a bit divided on it actually ... possibly not one for book club given previous teasing lol 😜.

Sunday was the day my amazing friends and neighbours did the 5k Race for Life, partly in my name.

I actually got quite emotional - the presenters from Cancer Research UK talked about the survival rates for different cancers... and although they are improving, they are still quite stark.

The crowd got asked to put their hands up if they or someone they knew had been affected by cancer.  Unsurprisingly, almost everyone put their hand up.

Then we got asked if anyone was currently going through treatment... so I stuck up my hand.  I didn't know how many others did, but the MC called out to me and noted I was wrapped up, and asked how treatment was going...  so I did a thumbs up.  But it was weird as there was a spontaneous round of applause for those of us getting treatment... and that made me teary too!

(Thinking my hormones are definitely all over the place nowadays!!)

Anyway, the two lovely Nics ('Team Nik Nak') then went to join the start line after many cuddles good luck... and then they were off 😄😄😄

39 minutes later they were back, and I managed to get loads of photos of them in their glory... and even more amazing, they managed to raise over a £1000 for Cancer Research UK!

It got me thinking though, that all being well, I would like to set myself the target of maybe doing next year's 5k 😄😄😄.  (Apart from raising money... I should be able to run easier with smaller boobs lol - no black eyes! 😉)

Monday / Tuesday was errands and catching up with my friend Lou... and booking mini holidays! 

After discussions with my parents, we decided that it would be great for all of us to get away before my surgery, given that I face 3 or 4 months recovery initially, and thereafter possibly multiple follow up procedures ... so we have got 4 days in the Algarve next weekend, and the following week I have a weekend in Dublin with Sue... 

I don't think I am worried too much about surgery, but just trying to cram in as much fun stuff before surgery, and also to celebrate end of chemo 😄😄😄.  (Huge thing!)

Wednesday saw me don work clothes for first time in over 6 months... and it felt great, even though I had kind of forgotten how to dress and do makeup!  I am not going back to work yet, but a wee keeping in touch day, and ability to actually work on something small was actually really good for engaging my brain again! 

(Of course I now only have limited amount of work clothes given my mass clear out last month... 😜)

Wednesday night was a bit surreal - went to a makeup workshop run by Boots.  That was all fine and dandy, and got some lovely samples to takeaway... but we all got locked in the shopping centre after hours and couldn't get out at end of the night!!

Thankfully - after a few different people had tried the various doors, a sharp eyed security guard came to release us... but I am pretty sure that 40+ women in various stages of baldness / headscarves / wigs congregating like zombies was certainly a sight to behold lol. 😜😱😄.

So overall, mainly good week aside from the emotional rollercoaster.  Need to keep reminding myself how far I have come already... 

This coming week I have another day at work, talking to friends about social enterprise set up, speak to GP about fit note, a little bit of pampering prior to holidays, more catching up with friends and finally getting signed off by oncologist 😄😄😄

So, as ever... onwards and upwards.  Till next time xx 

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Weeks 29-30: Holiday and prepping for surgery...

Weeks 29 - 30: Thursday 08 - Wednesday 21 June 2017

Well... hello again 😄.

I write this episodic update having come back from my mini break in Cornwall.  It was a great holiday as far as my Facebook pics and Mrs Mac blog detailed, but cancer wise it was a bit up and down. 😏

My fatigue levels were awful, and I probably managed to be awake and active for maybe about 4 or 5hrs a day to start with. The heat definitely drained me, and my tolerance for some of the things my niece and nephew were doing was possibly at an absolute low. 😣

Chemo mood swings did make me very intolerant to incessant chatter, people talking with their mouths full or indeed any light hearted cheekiness and bickering, so my laser glare came into being big style.  It was possibly a god send that I actually did sleep a lot, and the kids were at school lol.

I had a lot of heart to hearts with mum too... about impending operation and work and life in general... but equally it was great sitting on the beach and just listening to the waves - I think everybody should do that even when healthy! 😄😄😄

(Something I will definitely try to do when I get home too... always a good reason to go get ice cream lol.)

Stupidly, I had also tried to do that thing of trying to wean myself off all the drugs early... still hate taking them... however various horrible chemo side effects came back almost instantaneously, so 'drugs r us' came back into force quite quickly!

I do feel bad for my niece and nephew though... I arrived on my niece's birthday and I had promised to take them out for birthday meal... well let's just say that thankfully it wasn't another Beefeater moment, but I did end up abandoning the kids with mum as I went home to kind of pass out with hot flush and exhaustion!
(And that was despite my niece likening my risotto to baby sick lol.)

Aside from tiredness and some grumpiness, the holiday was good... and my nephew was such a sweetheart when he said he wished he could give me some of his energy so I could recover faster and not sleep so much ❤️.

I also told niece and nephew that I was going back in to hospital for another operation (to be honest I forgot they didn't know already - chemo brain fog - oops!), so they are going to come up and visit me in the hospital at the weekend and bring grapes... I have warned them in advance they will need to peel them and fan me too... 😉😉😉
(I also figure by the weekend depending on when operation actually takes place I might not look like Frankenstein's bride!!)

I was starting to feel better after a week of being down there - had really started to relax and feel rested... when two red lumps appeared on my forearm.  They were hot and sore to touch, and these are the red flag symptoms that are listed in my chemo book...

So, rather than phone the chemo hotline who would automatically have sent me to hospital in Plymouth (with all associated memories of being stuck in hospital at home!), I phoned my chemo unit instead.  They sensibly suggested seeing local GP and seeing if I just needed a wee dose of antibiotics.  

So that's what I did, and that's what I got lol.  He explained that it looked like small infection in my veins caused by the chemo or the cannula site, and I should possibly draw on my arm to show where lumps were so I could see antibiotics working.  He also gave me cream for my eyes, as both eyelids swollen and possibly had styes in them!! (I looked a right bonny picture by that point lol 😜)

So back to the house and we spent the next few days visiting more beaches.  (Being uber sun aware with my oversized shirts, bug eyed sunglasses and wide floppy hat lol 😁😁😁.)

Coming home on the Saturday, my arm was still sore and indeed looked angry, red and a third lump had appeared.  So when my sister picked us up at the airport, I had to promise that I would phone chemo helpline and see if I needed to go into hospital... so I did phone, and did need to go in...

I foolishly thought I had an appointment to go and see the A&E doc who had spoken to me directly.. but nope, ended up being 4hrs in A&E, and the outcome was yet another set of antibiotics to take on top of first set, a large squiggly line drawn on my arm to show spread of infection, and a request to go and see the Oncology Registrar at a different hospital on the following day... can't say I am not well travelled or not looked after through this though 😉.

The Sunday saw me go into the Western, bloods being taken and my arm being analysed by a few different people.  Same diagnosis but also phlebitis also diagnosed.  So basically inflammation and infection... lumps were actually small blood clots, but not the type that can cause deep vein thrombosis thankfully... (just as well given I had just flown home lol).

I got told my arm will be lumpy and sore for a few months, and I might be left with permanent bruising / discoloured arm... but I will live lol 😉😄😉 (always a bonus). 

Monday was a big day - went to see the Plastics team regarding my planned reconstruction.

The Registrar there told me similar stuff to what breast nurse had said, assessed my mental state and then accepted me for surgery.

After examining me, she told me I had good belly tissue (fat), and exclaimed surprise at me still having 'blue boob' from surgery at Christmas... she leaned over and said confidently that they would get rid of that during the op 😉.

She went through risks and benefits, and also explained that I only have enough fat to make a C or D cup new boobs... to which I was delighted.  Even more so when she explained whilst they would have some drop like natural breasts, they would sit higher and not droop quite as much as somebody who had not had surgery... and I might not need much support through need for bras in the future... I started laughing as I have a picture of me at 80 with the boobs of a 20yr old 🤗🤗🤗.

She also said that future tweaks once initial boob job had settled may be required, but they could top my boobs up with further liposuction from other parts of my body should I require it... she made the whole thing sound like I could be crafted like a barbie doll, and with no hassle whatsoever!!!
(And people pay thousands to get this done voluntarily!!!)

Between this and the plastics team offering to make my scars look as small and dainty as possible, as well as possibly removing any lumps that may appear over my stomach post surgery, I really could have that sylph like figure I have always dreamed of having but been too lazy to do anything about 😉.

On a serious note, there is a 5% 'failure to take' rate, and whilst they will do everything to save the reconstruction should this happen, I was also advised that if there is ever any risk to life, they would take me back into surgery and whisk everything out.  

They also advised that during the initial surgery they have to cut away part of my top rib in order to do all the plumbing in of the veins...

To be fair, I will be asleep throughout and not feel anything, so not going to worry too much about all of this.  As a friend said yesterday... it's like walking into a garage to see your car with all its engine bits and wires hanging out... as long as you get it back working as expected, it doesn't matter what happens in the interim as you don't need to know 😄.

So... definitely not going into this light heartedly, but I do keep reminding myself that to reduce chances of cancer returning from 80% down to 0.5% this is still a no brainer.  It's only going to be perhaps 2 - 4 weeks of real pain out of the rest of my life.  

The only slight bum note is that plastics Registrar has not heard of the gynae procedure being done at the same time and is a bit reluctant to have it done on the same day.  She said she will discuss with all surgeons involved but if it doesn't happen it means more waiting, yet another op, and also going through the menopause twice... 😱.  So am trying to keep everything crossed hoping that common sense prevails.

Anyway... the next steps are waiting for the surgery date to be confirmed, and I have to get CT scan and pre-op assessment done prior to that.  Supposedly I should get dates sent to me by next Friday...  can't tell if I am excited or bricking it!

It's also funny as my initial 6 month sick line from surgeon is up at the end of next week.  So I went into my GP's surgery to ask what process for getting a sick line actually was... never had to get one before.  Anyway - I have to have a phone consult with the doctor next week - I don't have an assigned doctor, as the last 3 doctors whom I had only seen each once, have all since left the practice... hopefully I am not some kind of jinx!

So I am now assigned to a GP who has never seen me, won't be seeing me, and will be working off system notes and what I say to them on the phone.  Hmmm. I suppose that's the joys when most of my stuff takes place at hospitals 😱.

Never mind... next sick note I think I will just ask one of the four surgeons cutting into me to sign off lol.

I still hate waiting for stuff to happen though.  But aside from this, Dad going in for his gene testing next week.  This will determine if it's carried in his family line, or if I am patient zero.  Has a bearing on whether my siblings need tested or not, so I have to keep in mind that other people may be impacted too. 

Aside from that I am going to be focusing on building up my strength and resilience ... if feeling up to it, longer dog walks and possibly the ability to start going swimming.  Going to continue popping into work and catching up with friends for coffee - need to try and keep as normal and as active as possible.  

Couple of funnies actually - when I was being assessed by plastics Registrar, she told me I have strong stomach muscles... who knew???

Also, when I went into work, I was wearing a headscarf for first time - decided to be a bit more colourful/adventurous than my skull caps... one of my colleagues commented that he thought I looked quite like a pirate ... so I promptly covered one of my eyes and in best Cornish pirate accent, I replied "harr harr me hearties..."
(Well, I thought it was funny lol 😉)

In the next week my friends are running in the Cancer Research 5k, and all being well we will have a wee BBQ to celebrate afterwards, and I have the joys of learning how to claim benefits... (I have exhausted statutory sick pay at work so I was sent a form by work and advised to phone DWP... so this is going to be a whole new learning thing for me to do this week coming too!) 

So, exciting stuff.  But all is good.  I am still lucky.  

I still need to take things in stages, but I will get there.  New me, new life, new hobbies and new beginnings... hopefully by Christmas, maybe March at the latest 😄😄😄

So... until the next exciting instalment peeps, ta-ra for now... xxx

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Week 28: Woo hoo... real end of chemo!...

Week 28: Thursday 01 - Wednesday 07 June 2017

Well... I post this from Cornwall 😄😄😄.

The last week has certainly been interesting!

Coming home from chemo last week I both felt exhilarated and knackered.  My mind was completely wired on steroids and adrenaline from it being the last session, but my body was just busy sucking in all the poisonous chemo. 

Slept quite a bit that night, (all the extra drugs helped, although not with the night sweats 😥😥!). Thursday morning I was wide awake and eating weetabix with sugar on them by 6.30... (this is a new craving by the way... used to despise weetabix... and until chemo I could take or leave sugary things!!!)

This was a great start as it has literally been weeks since I could get up that early, and actually looking back at the numbers, my blood count this time around after having a week off from chemo, was actually better than before I even started chemo at start of February!  (Cancer is a funny thing...!)

Anyhow... pottered around in the morning... still takes me ages to do things like shower and dress.  Had taken a photo of all my medication to put on Facebook... jeezo there are a LOT of drugs I need to take just to keep my body ticking over this final time!!

There are steroids, painkillers, multiple anti sickness, anti histamines, anti diarrhoea, laxatives, white cell productor jag, lotions, potions, mouth wash, anti cramping, nerve blockers, indigestion remedies and stomach lining protecting drugs 😜... a perfect cocktail some might say, but trying to work out the timescales required between each type to not cause contraindications is a complete nightmare!! 

Thank goodness for big black markers and my medication reminder app on my phone...😱.

Thursday was the day I had to give myself my last tummy jag (hurrah!) and also went to see the gynaecologist... (another hurrah! (Sicko I am, I know!))

Mum and I went out for bite of lunch first as I was not sure what to expect from the gynae consult.. but actually it was all done and dusted through chat, and signing a consent form all within the space of 10 minutes! 

Basically the surgery to remove my tubes and ovaries (and put me into immediate surgical menopause!) will only take a quick 30 min keyhole procedure, so that means that that particular surgeon will waltz in first and then leave gracefully by the nearest exit whilst the breast and plastic surgeons then go on to do their stuff... but all great stuff as basically I am going to get all my surgeries done in one day 😄😄😄.

I know that may seem perverse to some people, but I feel better that they do as much to me in one surgery, rather than me going through multiple surgeries if I don't have to!  (Therefore referring to best value for money, efficiencies of savings and practice, risk management options and what the customer wants!)

Thursday night I was still sleepy... best way to cope I suppose... I was absolutely adamant that I was desperate to get to my holiday - I really feel like now I just need to get away and get some peace within myself actually.  

Everything has been such a whirlwind that I probably do need some calming sea air by myself / with mum just to take stock and regroup with everything.   Still big changes to take place ahead, and there are still a load of things to get my head around.  And what better way to do it, than ice creams and Cornish pasties? 😜❤️😉.

Friday I managed to catch up with my friend Fiona at my ever favourite Dobbies, and then even managed to drive to Gala and back for my niece's birthday meal.  It was a great night with family, and I know they thought I was mad, but driving makes me feel normal and less like a sick cancer patient...  plus... I just like driving and being a control freak lol.   My music, my air temp, my speed... 😄😄😄.

Saturday saw a wee jaunt out for breakfast, more drop offs of clothes to charity shops and then a wee snooze before heading to a baby naming ceremony for gorgeous Gracie... I didn't actually manage to make any of the actual service, but got there for a wee hour at the end for tea and cake and to see everyone... (felt a bit like a limp rag though... everyone in their baptismal best, and I turned up in jeans, white shirt and a chemo cap... but in my defence I was too hot and rumpled to do anything else... oh the shame of it! 😣. Although to be fair, nobody judged me badly because of that thankfully!) 

Saturday afternoon / evening just turned out to be a complete wash out... lots more sleeps despite the fact that G & Lou popped over too... I am clearly still not the most gracious of hosts when sleepy and to be fair I may have just mumbled a lot of nonsense!

Just as well everyone knows me so well as to not take offence lol.

Sunday was a much required day of rest... as was Monday too.... it turned out that Sunday and Monday nights were bad nights with pain 😥.  And steroid come down.  And chemo rage.  And hating the world lol.

I think I had managed to lull myself and others into a false sense of security from previous few days, so to be curled up in tears and pain and frustration was just a bit pants to be honest.

I actually had real doubts whether I would actually make my flight on Tuesday... but at end of the day I am still a stubborn cuss. 😜

I had managed to drag myself out to get my planned pedicure / manicure to kick start my holidays - there is something definitely symbolic about finally getting rid of my raggedy chemo nails and generally looking brighter and healthier all round 😄

(Haven't looked at fake tan yet, but that's a possibility to take away some of the pastiness / chemo rash!)

The great thing is I actually have so many lovely spa vouchers as pressies, that when I am back from holiday I am going to treat myself to full body spa works and get lotioned and potioned from ear to toe just to pep me up lol... can't wait!!! 

Going to the airport on Tuesday was actually a bit daunting.  Given my energy levels for walking are pretty pants, I was not actually sure how I would cope.  Which is really ridiculous really as I am used to travelling... just not with chemo fatigue.... and it actually does make a huge difference 😱.  I felt like proper old and sick person.  And with hindsight, I maybe should have asked for assistance.
(I could have got driven everywhere with a cart and personal driver, as well as queue jumping!)

Aside from getting held up in security queues where standing for 20 mins made me uber tired, trembly and sweaty, I then started worrying about all the drugs I was carrying...
(Perversely they were fine with all the drugs... it was my IPad that got swabbed and checked lol!)

Anyway... no wandering the shops as I would usually - instead I grabbed a coffee and a quiet place to sit as close to gate as possible... I didn't even have the energy to queue to get in line.... I just waited until everyone else had more or less got through the doors before I went up to the gate. 

Anyhow...  The airline staff were lovely and there was no need to rush on or off the plane, and I also had spare seat next to me... so all good, I got a wee sleep and mum picked me up at the other end.

Tuesday night was supposed to be an extra birthday dinner for my niece... well, suffice to say I never made it in the end.  It was all too much for me and I crashed and burned spectacularly.  In true Linz form, I just made myself at home in yet another bed as the chemo took over my body... 

The weather forecast is variable for the next 10 days... but going to just enjoy the peace and tranquility, being spoiled by mum and hoping my body heals somewhat in advance of stage 2 - surgery. 

Proper rest and recuperation has been a long time coming... but as I said... ice cream and Cornish pasties... who can ask for anything more? 😉😉😉

Will prob not write another blog till after I see the plastics team on 19 June. There is something to be said from taking a break from technology right now, as well as the cancer chat... proper R&R!

Till then...  happy hols 😉.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Week 27: End of chemo 😀 and surgery chat 🤔...

Week 27: Thursday 25 - Wednesday 31 May 2017

Huge momentous week this week... first off, people may not want to read the in depth stuff on my operations... so I will mark that section beginning with 🤢🤢🤢 and ending it with ✅✅✅.

As mum and dad had stayed over the day of my cancelled chemo, we all went out on the Thursday to Cramond where we had ice cream in the sun (with factor 50 and floppy hat on!)... we had planned to have lunch there too but unfortunately the kitchen was closed that day!  (I was feeling like a bloody jinx by this pint btw!)

However not to be deterred, we then went out to South Queensferry for a light lunch, and then home for me to have a wee rest... still have to appreciate I am not wonder woman... 😜.

Dinner that night was a lovely BBQ in the garden and I even managed a wee cider to join in with the birthday celebrations!

Have to admit though, whilst everyone was basking in the summer heat... it actually just made me miserable... not to be out of kilter with everyone else, but already experiencing hot flushes, sweating and swearing permanently, the extra heat just exacerbated my fatigue symptoms, but then it was too hot to sleep, and with all the sweating and drinking water to combat everything, there were a lot more trips to the toilet to be had too.... 😱.

Anyway... I appreciate I overshare, but then this is my diary / blog and I am still insistent on keeping a true record for me lol.

The Friday of this week, Dave was trying to lift my spirits by making sure I would get up and about... but this was definitely a day where I was knackered with the heat and could not be arsed with anything.... anyway, we went a drive to New Lanark - a wee lunch and ice cream, but trying to walk up a flight of stairs was just too tiring for me.  I felt like an old age pensioner despite my bloody mindedness.  I am going to make a terrible old person at this rate lol.  And all I can say is thank feck we got parked right at the Main Street itself.... I would never have managed to walk from the visitors main car park up the top of the hill!!!

On another note though, once fully better I really want to do the guided tour there as it looks amazing 😀😀😀.

Saturday was time over at mum and dad's although I ended up sleeping a lot during the day and also overnight... this was definitely a down time weekend!  Sunday dinner was down in Gala with my sister's family before going home.  This is what I mean that it's good to spend time with different people and different locations... and I now have no shame curling up and sleeping in any free bed going lol 😀.  But equally, me being away gave Dave a break away from his other caring and housework duties, and not having to be around me and my moods lol.  He had a wee day to himself uptown too after working from home.

Monday was giving more blood for testing... went home with everything crossed, and basically slept again.

Tuesday was a HUGE day as I went to see the oncologist and breast nurse.  They basically suggested I could have a reduced chemo dose given I have been so sick, but this would potentially mean a further session too... so I said my real preference was to take the final hit, if we could manage the side effects with more drugs.  Which is amazing, as before all this kicked in, I hardly even took paracetamol!!!

Anyway he did agree that I could do that, and asked again about me taking part in research clinical trials.  However my position has now slightly changed I feel.  Having been so sick with chemo, I am really not sure I want to be sick again, voluntarily.  I really do want to be able to help others, but now I feel I may be having a selfish moment.... hmm, am going to take some time to ponder and wonder.... I have to go back and see the oncologist in 5 weeks time to talk about everything in the cold light of day, but actually, now that I have been told my surgery may actually be imminent, it may all be a moot point anyway...

Ok... Squeamish point from here forward... 🤢🤢🤢

Also had quite a long chat with the breast nurse about impending surgery... as I am not getting radiotherapy, their preference would normally be to do surgery within 4 weeks of last chemo... however, as my surgery also going to need 2 plastic surgeons, it might take wee bit longer to coordinate diaries... but they def want to press full steam ahead asap - to the point where nurse was going to be speaking to surgery coordinator in advance of me seeing plastic surgeon on 19 June to see if I can get head start on waiting list 😄

Nurse also suggested that I ask gynae surgeon if any possibility of them doing their surgery on same day, seeing as I will be on the operating table anyhow... that appeals to my neat and tidy mindset, but have to wait and see... will not get hopes up too much!

It was explained my surgery could be anything between 8 and 20 hours... (!), but good news is that Livingston is only hospital that does this surgery and the op I am getting is the 'gold standard' of operations. 

Basically the breast surgeon will be removing everything out of my breast and removing the nipple, whilst the 2 plastic surgeons will be opening up stomach and preparing the veins for micro surgery... once they have scooped everything out, they will then take the tummy fat from below my belly button and then separate it in order to know how much they will have available to make my new boobs 😀.  It's really great stuff actually as I want to be smaller and perkier, so all good... and most of my belly fat is below my belly button anyhow.

After they have cut me open, the surgeons then go off for a break in order to prepare them for the intense micro vascular surgery ahead and joining up of tiny vessels.  I will never be left alone as the anaesthetist will be with me throughout, and I am guessing my wounds will not be left open to the work with my innards trailing out like some kind of horror film!

Mum and I had a conversation about them being able to go to the toilet when operating on me, but according to shows like Grey's Anatomy, I think some surgeons may just choose to use industrial strength incontinence pants 😱😱😱 lol . 

Don't get me wrong... we were shown pictures... the scars across my belly will literally be hip to hip.  But as I said to mum, it's not like I am suddenly going to be flaunting my new body by suddenly becoming a pole dancer, and they will be always be covered by my underwear lol.  As for breast scars, they actually look to be fairly minimal... but again, it's not like I get them out in public anyhow lol.

Speaking to other people who have had this surgery have said that sometimes they get pubic hair growing out of their new boob... I can just imagine that conversation when I got to get my waxing done pmsl 😜😜😜.  I just find the whole thing hilarious.

In giving me a free tummy tuck, they obviously have to pull my skin down, hence why I also need to have a new belly button created.... see.... still fascinating 😀.

There was also info on how the surgery will initially cause so much pain that they can't really describe or prepare me for it, but after initial 48hrs I will get steadily better.  But I definitely think that I am better knowing this now, and also that I will be in the high dependency unit, rather than scaring anyone on the day.... does mean my posts that week may be minimal! 😄😄😄. They also said I will hate the world, not be compos mentis and I will be dead grumpy that first 48hrs so maybe best I don't have any visitors that first couple of days lol.

I was also told I will be in hospital for at LEAST a week, if there are absolutely no complications... however, being fully aware that if things do happen, then I may be in a bit longer, and they may even use leeches on me to ensure good blood flow through the new joined up veins...

She also pointed out that out of the 65 ops they do of these a year, there are a couple where things don't work out.  And sometimes they may have to take patient back to surgery to remove the reconstruction.  But they do absolutely everything to ensure all success, partly because of the investment the patient has put into it with pain and cancer... but also because the cost of these operations are astronomical!

So, some of the things they are going to do to me include keeping me falsely heated with heat blankets for the first 48hrs to keep veins open and blood flowing; I will be allowed ice chips and cool flannels... but no fans or circulating fresh air. 😭😭😭

I will be on a morphine pump that I can use without limit for first few days, and then they will basically try wean me down over the course of my stay in hospital.

And... they will also be doing a Doppler test of my breast every half hour to check there is no necrosis... hence the comment above about leeches!

(At this point I may actually organise a rota of willing visitors in order to ease burden on Dave and my parents... apart from anything else, I will thrive on seeing different people every day!!  As long as I don't have 10 visitors at once, that will be grand 😉. And never fear.... I won't be showing my boobs off or talking too graphically to anyone lol...)

Have had some thoughts though.... like I am not sure if I need new bras to take in with me... I have no idea what size I will be!  And because of surgery I can't use pull on ones, or front fastening ones, and I won't be able to do the ones up at the back.... but mum pointed out I can ask all this stuff at the pre-op appointment... and in all honesty, am guessing it will be lots of bandages for the first few days!

Also, advice on forums is to take front fastening pjs to allow all the poking and prodding to happen easily.... I also got told about the drains they have to put into the 2 wound sites.  Basically I will have 4 milk bottle things attached to me to drain away excess fluids... this bit sounds minging, but thankfully it will all be contained during my hospital stay and they do all the needful with them... including giving me a back pack thing to put on so I can get up and wander freely from day 3 or 4 onwards!  I am pretty sure this is all going to be wonderful additions to my photo montage I am collating lol. 😇

And... I have to expect a minimum of at least 3 months recovery - and probably longer, due to fact that depending on timing of operation, I will still have chemo effects raging through me.  (I don't think people believe I will actually heed their advice, but I will not do anything to jeopardise my recovery... I am headstrong, not stupid lol!!!)

One of the things they have also said is that once discharged, I probably need someone to be with me permanently for 2 weeks as I literally won't be able to do anything for myself... so I have asked mum if she can come and stay with me... 😀.  Nothing against Dave, but this is probably going to require all types of personal care, and also he needs to be able to escape to work and preserve his own sanity... and I have the benefits that my mum actually is a trained nurse 😀😀😀.

So... that's it in a nutshell... I asked lots of questions, feel really positive and prepared for whatever dates they are able to give me.

I already know I have to have another procedure 3 months after this operation (nipples lol), and 3 months after that I will get tattoos (again, nipples lol)....  they also allow time for the new boobs to settle and then decide if they need topped up using liposuction from other parts of my body...

So - fascinating stuff.  Perversely I am quite excited... but this is good head space to be in.

Anyway...  next bit is not squeamish.... lol ✅✅✅

So... mum had basically stayed over Monday and Tuesday nights in order to be able to take me to early morning appointments, and Wednesday was final chemo day.... hurrah!!!!

Went in, and had a wee delay, because one of the anti sickness meds had to be in my system for an hour before chemo was infused.  As a random thing, mum and I discovered the second floor dining room at the hospital this time... they sell breakfast 😀.  And actually because it's far away, not many people go to it, so lovely and quiet too!

Chemo session went well, and I was so pleased no effects.... cannula site still bloody sore going in, and my entire arm is bruised like a peach... but all will be worth it, and it will settle down.  The steroid tomato fat face is prevalent as normal, but I know the end is in sight 😀😀😀.

I was really pleased to be able to 'bin my bras'... given I am going to be going down in size, I had had a massive clear out of my wardrobes in the past week or so, so I have lots to take to charity but my bras can be donated to ladies abroad.... some of these bras were brand new and maybe had only been worn once... and at a cost of £50 each, giving 9 away made me realise how much I had spent.... thank goodness smaller boobs will mean cheaper bras lol 🤗.

Was also really pleased to be able to give a bag of goodies to the oncology staff... they really have seen me through so much.... and actually, maybe some of the charity things I could do, I will make them my fundraising beneficiaries.... my friends doing run for Cancer Research, my work family are doing fundraising for Breast Cancer Care and Bosom Buds, but I think I will do something personal for St. John's.

(Mum did point out though that I should really have chosen smaller pressies for the team... I had left her humphing the bag around all morning - oops!)

Anyway... after chemo, mum and I went to McDonalds, then I came home and slept.

It's really weird actually.  I was completely hyper as it was my last session... but a few hours laters I was completely floored again.... ahhh, the nature of chemo lol.

So...this next week is seeing the gynaecologist today, niece's birthday meal tomorrow, hopefully seeing a few friends over the weekend (all in moderation of course!), and then.... trip to Cornwall on Tuesday.  Mum already has my clothes to pack in her suitcase, and I will be packed up with drugs to allow me to go safely, so excited it's unbelievable.

Along the way am hoping to look at helping out a friend do some funding research for his social enterprise, speak to people at work to keep my hand in, and hopefully chasing down another friend who is due me money and is so far ducking giving me it back.  The good thing about chemo rage is that it's a good time to tell people to stop taking the proverbial lol.

So.... a very fulsome update today... but genuinely I am feeling great about everything.  I know I will still have some more wobbles... but that's normal... and there is always chocolate 😀.

I genuinely could not get through this without my amazing family and friends... I really count myself truly lucky and blessed.  Timescales mean nothing to me... first and foremost me and my health come first.  I can't wait to get out the other end of this and be a new woman... no idea what my head space and attitude will be, but it will still be with a 'can do' attitude, take no shit, and I want lots of fun and excitement.  And more holidays lol.

So on that cheery note - thanks for sticking with me... definitely always a rollercoaster!
